The Photographs
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Fireside Ambers


The Sinterlation Sculpture

The Transporter Bridge and Dock Clock Tower

Saltburn Pier

Bradenburg Gate

Durham Cathedral

Infinity in Red

Tyne Bridge in Sets

Seal Sands


Good Morning Tyneside

Infinity Bridge

Infinity in Fog

Infinity Sunrise

Infinity Sunset

Middlehaven Docks

Middlehaven Icons

Middlehaven Sunset

Newcastle Bridges

Newcastle Nights

Northen Angel

Perpetual Vision

Rock St Mary's

Sage and Tyne

Saltburn pier1

Shanghi Meets Durham

St Mary's Sunrise

Steel Works Sunset

Sunset at the Forth

Theatre Lamps

Transporter Bridge Dock Clock Tower

Twin Infinity

York Minister

All Aboard

Berlin Sunset

Cereal Snapper

Dandelion Seeds

Fiddler on the Roof

Fly By

Mystic Tree Lake

North Bailey

On the Rocks

Queen Vic Bridge

Happy Feet

Redcar Sunrise

Tiergarten Berlin